Intimacy – project by Clara Greco

14 Marzo 2020

Most of my works are concerned with bodies and their intimacy; the relation between humans and their nature. I’m so fascinated by the way people reveal themselves to me and the way I look at them: I always try to create an environment that can protect bodies and let them show us the way they really feel good, the actual way they look; like nobody’s gonna watch them, like a dream or fantasies. I like to create an ideal reality for each of us. Women are changing, Men are changing, desires are changing, Earth is changing, I’m changing. I need to deal with it. I guess that’s what I’m looking for through my works: acceptance.



Clara Greco (1992) is an Italian artist based in Rome, where she studies and works as an actress. She was born in Pantelleria, a little Sicilian Island that actually effected most of her photographic works. 

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