DIGNITY – project by Laura De Dilectis

22 Aprile 2020

Dignity speaks of the elderly: wise ghosts, guardians of the world – forgotten by the world. The project wants to create awareness of the urgent problem of care for the elderly but above all of the absence of their social role.

The photos try to represent the limbo between life and death in which older people live, and at the same time the great dignity and joy of living they show. “By 2050, 1 in 5 people in the world will be over 60 years old” WHO.














Laura De Dilectis is the creator of HumanWonder. Graduated in psychology, she explains her constant existential research through photography, poetry, dance, cinema, and love for art and for humanity. She lived in Rome, Paris, Berlin and Lisbon. Discovery and curiosity characterize her life.








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